Watch the teaser trailer HERE!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


First off, hello, my name is Joe Daniels. And I'm crazy about animated storytelling. I've set up this blog for you to track the progress on my latest personal project...The Starfish Ninja (mock teaser trailer).

Don't want to give too much story away at this point, but it's a fast-paced action/adventure story about the responsibility of awesomeness. The starfish is thrust on a quest that will take him to dry land, distant waters, and the murky depths of the sea.

I see it as Finding Nemo meets Samurai Jack and a bit of Braveheart. Or something like that.

I've been silent about the project as I've been developing it over 2 years of spare time, but no more! Currently, I'm moving steadily toward the animation stage of production on the trailer, so there will be lots to share. Expect weekly updates and behind the scenes junk, or at least related ramblings. So, yeah, stay tuned, subscribe to the rss feed, and get ready for underwater ninja-ness. Wha-cha!